BARNES Léman accompanies the Sciez nautical base around a handivoile project
As a sponsor, BARNES Léman is committed to supporting handisport alongside the Sciez nautical base, by acquiring the hand-sailing boat RS Venture.

A beautiful evening of inauguration
On Thursday, September 15, BARNES Léman welcomed its clients and partners for the inauguration of the RS Venture boat at the Sciez water sports center. Born from a meeting between Thomas Vantorre, President of BARNES Léman and Gilles Guyon, Director of the nautical base, this event brought together a hundred people on the shores of Lake Geneva. The guests were able to enjoy an introduction to sailing with Ange Margaron and Olivier Durieux, both teammates in the future European and world handivoile championships. It was also an opportunity for the guests to understand and realize the complementarity of these 2 sailors with different disabilities.
It is to the rhythm of a music group that the evening continued at the edge of the lake with many local actors. A unique and convivial moment which allowed to notice the commitment of all the actors of the nautical base around this event.
A project born from a meeting
"It's a project that touched us and that was born from a real encounter", says Thomas Vantorre, President of BARNES Léman.
It was through two BARNES consultants, Nathalie Rozé and Julie Preti, both members of the Sciez Rowing Club, that the meeting between Thomas Vantorre and Gilles Guyon was born. Passionate about sailing for as long as he can remember, it was natural for Thomas Vantorre to become interested in this sporting and human project which raises awareness of the handicap.
BARNES Léman has therefore committed itself to the Sciez nautical base to support this handivoile project by proposing to finance the RS Venture boat, a sports dinghy recognized as the most adapted support to the paravoile circuit.
A sporting and human challenge
The objective of this challenge is to sail with a double crew with two disabled sailors.
- To represent France on the Paravoile World Sailing circuit aboard an RS Venture.
- To ensure the interest of this sport and the relevance it has to find the place it deserves during the 2028 Olympic Games.
Beyond this objective that the RS Venture World Championship represents, the idea is to constitute a real handivalide and paravoile competition team.

In 2010, I set up a handivoile activity in the nautical base of Sciez. In 2011, I started the regatta circuit for the disabled. My objective is to develop the practice of sailing for all. The teaching and the practice of handivoile are possible on various supports: MiniJ (individual keelboat), Hansa (solo or double), Sprint 95, collective boat...
I have rediscovered this sport that I love so much through a different approach, in which human relations are as important as technical knowledge. My dual role as "racer / trainer" on the handivoile circuit has led me to take another look at disability. For these reasons, I have also invested myself in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes regional handicapped sailing team. And when Olivier told me about his Cécivoile project of UNADEV, I immediately answered present!